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Automated user provisioning
Automated user provisioning

Automate access and user provisioning with Atomicwork

Automate repetitive provisioning activities such as creating new user accounts and providing software access with accurate permissions.

Stop wasting 1500+ hours a year to grant access requests manually

Access provisioning is important. However, organizations spending $55,000+ simply to grant user permissions is not justified. A user-provisioning software can run your access requests on autopilot.

Save IT team efforts

With endless service requests pouring in, IT teams may miss out on fulfilling access requests raised on Microsoft Teams, Slack, or through emails, leading to delays and poor employee experiences.

Reduce manual errors

Manual user provisioning is subject to errors, such as assigning contractors the wrong user-level access and providing access to confidential information. These could lead to data infringement and reputation loss.

Strengthen your security protections

A user provisioning software provisions and de-provisions automatically with pre-defined workflows. This means accounts and accesses are created and removed as planned, leading to moderate to low-security threats.

Automate the entire user provisioning lifecycle with Atomicwork

Atomicwork manages user access end to end, from employee onboarding to role changes and offboarding.

Ease user provisioning during employee onboarding

A user-provisioning software automates employee onboarding by creating new accounts on platforms like Okta and Azure Directory,. You may also need to provide auto-access to required software like Salesforce, or GitHub based on an onboarding checklist for specific departments. Create personalized approval workflows, so new employees don’t have to wait long to get familiar with their tech stack.

Modify accesses automatically during role changes

Multiple manual steps are involved when an employee transitions from one role or department to another. These involve losing existing accesses and accounts, creating new accounts, and getting new accesses. When IT teams manually process all these requests, there is too much back-and-forth, and the risks of errors are high. A user-provisioning software creates and repeats the same workflow every time, ensuring the role changes are executed successfully.

Facilitate smooth user de-provisioning during employee off-boarding

Employee offboarding is a critical activity where you can’t afford to make any mistakes. Many instances occur where past employees are not properly removed from all software, leading to serious privacy challenges. User provisioning software performs de-provisioning during employee offboarding to ensure that accesses are removed and access to existing documents is transferred to the appropriate team members.

Our journey with Atomicwork to transition our ticketing systems to their AI-based Microsoft Teams Interface has been remarkable. The product has transformed how we manage our IT and business workflows, offering a seamless enterprise integration to meet our needs efficiently.

Chad Ghosn
Global CTO and CIO, AMMEX Corporation

One platform to provision access across multiple apps

Atomicwork controls access to all relevant workplace software to keep your IT team productive and stop employees from toggling between multiple software.

Azure AD access provisioning

Atomicwork integrates with Azure AD to create user accounts, provide access rights, and manage password requests.

Okta provisioning

Atomicwork integrates with Okta to manage user provisioning and group access. It enables single sign-on to ensure secure access.

Salesforce app provisioning

Atomicwork manages Salesforce, access for your employees by creating accounts automatically and providing accurate user-level access.

Hubspot app provisioning

Like Salesforce, Atomicwork integrates with Hubspot to manage user provisioning across different features.

GitHub access provisioning

Atomicwork automates user provisioning for engineering team members to GitHub repositories.

Explore all app integrations

Atomicwork integrates with many more workspace tools, including Google Drive, Notion, and Workday, for faster access processing.

Frequently asked questions on user provisioning

Get all your queries on access and user provisioning answered
What is a user provisioning software?
Why do organizations need to automate user provisioning processes?
What is Atomicwork and how does it help with user provisioning?
Which major applications does Atomicwork integrate with for access provisioning?
How does Atomicwork help IT teams save time and reduce errors in user provisioning?
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More resources

Automating software access requests with Atom and Microsoft Entra
How Atom can intelligently automate and centralize software access provisioning process through Microsoft Entra.
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Eliminate repetitive password reset questions by enabling self-service password reset (SSPR) using Atom.
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